Thursday, January 18, 2024

My Top 5 Sources for News and Information

My top source of news and information are various podcasts that specialize in certain topics and areas. One of my most listened to podcasts is "The Daily Signal," put on by the Heritage Podcast Network, which stems from the conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation. I recently started listening to this podcast after visiting their headquarters in downtown DC on the HPU in The City trip. The podcast covers current, and especially controversial, political topics. I enjoy that the hosts frequently bring on guest speakers and experts to discuss certain issues and give factual-based opinions. I will note that this podcast shows more red-leaning political bias.

For insight into current events associated with crime, I turn towards "Crime Junkie" for my information. This podcast has a huge following and I would consider it a household {podcast} name. The hosts take a deep dive into the world of true crime with weekly episodes depicting solved and unsolved instances of murder or disappearances, with both present and past cases. I enjoy the podcasts' continual focus on the failures of America's law enforcement and justice system, and how these issues severely effect the outcomes of the cases, many of which go unsolved due to investigation bias and error. I sometimes find myself distracted or not entertained by certain news topics, and so I would recommend these podcasts as great ways to stay updated on current events, with the added entertainment aspect of storytelling.

My second source of news and information is the social media platform, Instagram. Daily, I check this app much more than I would like to admit. I see a constant slew of posts, temporary stories, reels, and adds that are catered to my interests from years of use. I follow mostly family and friends on this app, as well as creators and athletes that I find interesting. This means that most of the news I see stems from content my following posts. I have friends and family on very opposite sides of the political spectrum, so I see various opinions represented regarding current events. An example of this is the Colorado Supreme Court's vote to remove Donald Trump from the ballot. As a Colorado native who has both very conservative and very liberal people in my life, my Instagram feed was full of the differing opinions on the subject. I was able to swipe through slideshows of photos and blurbs about the very controversial, and unconstitutional, decision from Fox News' account, as well as CNN, Donald Trump's, and my own family members'.

Narrowing in on the subject of social media becoming a mainstream news source, I am admittedly ashamed to say that my third source of news and information is TikTok. Here is a list of recent topics I have learned from TikTok:


  1. Donald Trump has the leading Republican vote coming out of the Iowa Caucus
  2. Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the race and enforced Trump
  3. Biden declared a group in Yemen terrorists
  4. A famous social media influencer said a racial slur on camera and the video was leaked
  5. A tornado rocked Panama City Beach's coastline


This list has a wide range of current event issues. I saw these headlines from random accounts that popped up on my "for you" page, as I do not follow news sources on the app. Using TikTok as a news source has both negatives and positives. The media platform is used mostly by my generation, meaning that when I see users' opinions and postings on current event issues, they are using language and allusions that I can understand. In class, we recently discussed Generation Z's lack of attention span, due to constant exposure to screens and social media addiction. Though TikTok cannot be deemed a reliable source for news, it presents an opportunity for me to consume information quickly, without losing interest. This is the TikTok I saw describing the results of the 2024 Iowa Republican Caucus.

My fourth source of news and information are my family members, specifically my father and grandfather. I talk to each of them at least once or twice a week, and this is where they will always find a way to weave current events, mainly political ones, into the conversation. Both lean the same way politically, so their take on issues are similar. I love hearing information from my dad because he is one of the smartest people I have met, and I enjoy his extensive vocabulary and hearing his take on new news. My grandfather sends me emails with links to news articles, YouTube videos, and even podcasts. We even had a conversation recently about how I sometimes feel trapped in the High Point bubble, and struggle to keep up with current events when I get swamped with life. He does his best to keep me informed. A quote from one of my November grandfather's emails:

"Big year coming up for the USA, especially with national elections along with a lot of trauma that's going to happen, so keep tuned in to some of the current event issues."

It is important to note that I am (and was) aware of the upcoming presidential election, but I enjoy reading his take on these issues, as well as his dry sense of humor. 

The final source that I receive my news and information from is online articles. If I am curious about something I have recently seen on social media, or heard in passing, I will do a quick Google search to gain some more details. I am not picky with online journals, though I have recently been making an effort to have more balance in the spectrum of news' stations. I tend to click on the first link that pops up from my search and do a quick scan to build some background knowledge. These were the two most recent articles I remember scanning through:

1. APNews "Colorado Supreme Court declares Donald Trump is Ineligible for the White House"

2. Pew Research Center "Americans See Skepticism of News Media as Healthy, Say Public Trust In the Institution Can Improve"

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